OOChemistry OpenOffice Extensions, A Simply way to insert chemical notation/formula in your worksheet

8:32 AM

As if didn't want to miss with Microsoft Office Progress, OpenOffice.Org in providing services to the program office, especially that related to the chemistry it also provides its own specificity for the chemical. Understand it different chemical typing with regular typing. Often necessary chemical formulas and others.
To install (to install) OOChemistry, you must already
have installed OpenOffice.org in your operating system (Windows, Linux, Solaris, * BSD) also Java 1.6 runtime (Sun JRE 6 and OpenJDK 6 on x86 and x86_64 platforms.) Java must be activated in OpenOffice.org. If you encounter an error (error) during installation (installation), you may need to install/re-install OpenOffice.org-java-common or similar. How to install could be simply double click the file OOChem-0.1.0-alpha.oxt, if it get fails you can add it manually by this instructions:
On openoffice org click the Tools menu -> Extension Manager -> Select the Add button (at the bottom) -> Select the downloaded file OOChem-0.1.0-alpha.oxt -> Follow the next instructions until complete.

Adding OOChemistry by manual
To make a chemical structure on the document, select the menu item Insert -> Object -> OLE Object ... and select JChemPaint Chemical diagram. JChemPaint window will appear. Create an image that you want and close the window JChemPaint - images are stored (inserted - insert) in the document. To edit a chart or structure, double click on that structure.
Palet JChemPaint while usage
Some chemical formula is already in a worksheet
Download here OOo Chemistry 5.66 MB.Download OpenOffice.org 3.2.1 for Windows version here amounted to 148 MB.Download OpenOffice.org 3.2.1 versions for other operating systems can more visit http://kambing.ui.edu.Download Java Runtime from here around 15.32 MB customize the operating system you use.
Source: Chemistry OOo from sourceforge.net.


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Bricscad an Autocad For Linux (Ubuntu 10.04)

9:38 AM

To all lInux (ubuntu) user who almost waiting for a powerfull CAD application builder for linux, here they are the most powerfull CAD application running on both windows and linux from Bricsys named Bricscad. From the official website : "Bricscad™ is the powerful DWG-alternative CAD platform that enables DWG-based applications to serve the growing markets of GIS, AEC, mechanical CAD, and civil engineering". Bricsys products are available in 15 languages, with more languages in development.

Bricscad is the powerful DWG-alternative CAD platform that enables DWG-based applications and offers a complete and recognizable feature set to professional users. Here are 10 reasons why to choose Bricscad.
  1. You can modernize your CAD for 1/5 the price of AutoCAD.
  2. Bricscad offers full-function 2D/3D DWG-based CAD and a compelling technology roadmap.
  3. Bricscad comes with friendly upgrade policies.
  4. The people behind Bricscad are CAD veterans committed to world-class support.
  5. Most users are transitioning from AutoCAD to Bricscad in one week or less.
  6. Bricscad has over 100,000 users around the world and earned a 98% satisfaction rating.
  7. Users and administrators in organizations with both Bricscad and AutoCAD prefer Bricscad.
  8. Bricscad offers an AutoCAD-compatible programming platform that supports existing applications.
  9. Increasingly, top developers are offering their existing AutoCAD applications and add-ons on Bricscad.
  10. You can try it right now for free!
If you are Autocad user this application could be alternative application that support your work, there are several function that bricscad is more applicable than Autocad. Check this ..
Comparison betwen Bricscad and Autocad
Erik De Keyser, CEO of Bricsys, comments:
We consider Bricscad V10 for Linux as a milestone for our company. Despite doubts of many about the viability of a native Linux based professional CAD product, we are convinced that there is a strong demand for it and a huge potential for applications.
Bricsys is the right company to play a leading role in this evolution.

A fully-functional 30 day trial period of Bricscad is available for Fedora, OpenSuse and Ubuntu 9.10 or above.
License keys can be purchased for around £365.00.


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