pidgin is instant messenger running on both windows or linux operating system, another pidgin version running on mac os the name is adium. Using pidgin we can chat through yahoo messenger, google talk, facebook chat, even twitter, in one time, some people thing 'i have already instant messenger, so why we use pidgin ?', there is some essential thing you can consider to use this instant messenger (pidgin).
Pidgin is universal messenger
beside can running both windows or linux operating system, using pidgin we can chat multi platform (protocol), in one time.
editable utillitybeside can running both windows or linux operating system, using pidgin we can chat multi platform (protocol), in one time.
pidgin have a lot of stuff for you, start from avatar, plugin. account, sound, and smilley you can change as your will. interactive notification
pidgin have interactive notification in a moment your friend has login, sign out, update status, or aswering your chat.
a lot of plugin
pidgin have a lot of plugin to help you keep in touch, some of plugin that can be used are
- pidgin auto accept, to help you answering chat when you are not at desk.
- pidgin history, to show your chat history
- pidgin MD5 encryption, help you to protect your chat.
- pidgin twitter update
- pidgin evolution integration
pidgin able to log all of chat history, you can access your chat history by shortcut Crtl + L.
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