MintMenu on Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)

1:23 PM

Having read so many article about how to use Linux Mint Main Menu (MintMenu) on ubuntu then try it (* Eventually i feel satisfied), I was interesed to re-write same article to you, there are a lot of way to install mintmenu on ubuntu 10.04 some website suggest to use separate install through dpkg and other website recomend aptitude. Since a have tried all suggestions this is 6 simple, fast, and easy step to implemented when you  try to install MintMenu on Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx).
1. Add linux mint repository to your source.list
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/mintmenu
2. Update your database package
sudo apt-get update
3. Install the Mintmenu
sudo apt-get install mintmenu
4. Point your cursor in the empty space in gnome panel, right click and choose "add to panel".
5. Add mintmenu to your panel
6. Arrange the panel with your favour.
if you have successfuly implemented 6 Step above, your ubuntu menu should be like this !!

Ubuntu with Mintmenu
If your menu same as mine you have successfully implement MintMenu on Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx).


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Apturl, a simply way to install ubuntu application or software package through a web browser

9:33 PM

Ubuntu GNU/LINUX never stop making improvement to their system, in this article I want to give little explaination how could we install ubuntu application/package through a web browser and how it's work. We have known that many way to install application or psoftware package on Ubuntu GNU/Linux, we have Synaptics, Ubuntu Software Center, Tasksel, and also traditional way using apt-get/dpkg on the terminal.
The APT protocol, or apturl, is a very simple way to install a software package from a web browser, through apturl user can install software package by clicking the link just like web address. For example, from a web page, when a Ubuntu user clicks on the link apt:packageexample , the apturl protocol will launch the package manager to propose the installation of the package called "packageexample" from the repositories available on the computer. Apturl is having dependencies with repositories available on the computer, you can add/edit ropositories address in /etc/apt/source.list.

There is little setting before we can use in our browser, if you are using firefox (Tested in firefox version 3.0 above) you can add firefox setting by following instruction below :
  • Enter about:config in the URL bar, right click the add following syntax. in character chain with /usr/bin/apturl as value, in character chain with /usr/bin/apturl as value,
     network.protocol-handler.warn-external.apt in boolean value and put true as value,
     network.protocol-handler.warn-external.apt+http in boolean value and put true as value.
  • Close and restart Firefox.
How to create Apturl link ?
If you have understand how to use apturl as a client, now we start to learn how to make Apturl link so you can build a web based synaptic package manager or ubuntu software package provider. Making apturl link is not much different from url link or mailto link, to make apturl link the HTML url must be write like this :

Single package
The basic syntax for an apt link is the following:
Where package is the package you'd like the user to install.

Multiple packages
To bundle several packages into one link, the syntax is the following:
Where package1, package2 and package3 are the packages you'd like the user to install.
For example:
      apturl apt:pidgin,pidgin-plugin-pack
Installs Pidgin and Pidgin Plugin Pack (if the user confirms).

Using AptUrl right after adding a repository
After adding a repository line via the Software Sources tool, the user has an option to reload the package list now or close the window, without reloading. This can be an issue if the user wants to install a package via AptUrl right after - because the newly added repositories haven't been scanned, and thus the program will not be found. To avoid such a situation, a "refresh" flag is available - if it's present, apturl will do a refresh first and then look for the program.
Sample link: Get Pidgin


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Mozilla Chrome Urls, Secret Syntax to open Mozilla Firefox Hidden Function via URL bar

10:04 AM

Mozilla Firefox always give a surprise, not only about it's improvement,themes or plugin from the official website but sometime hidding some mysterious fuction which make us curious. Firefox’s interface is cleverly designed using JavaScript and XUL, and using what’s referred to as chrome URL’s you can actually open specific windows in a tab or the sidebar. This includes things like the management windows for bookmarks, saved passwords, downloads, extensions, and more. I almost use this browser more than 7 year, but lately when I was browsing the internet, i found important tips that show us how to open some hidden function in mozilla (an actualy i didn't know this before) via address bar. Here some Mozilla Chrome Urls syntax that mentioned above, all function type in mozilla firefox address bar.

note : Use to open mozilla about page.

note : Use to show explanation of mozilla content

note : Use to open web page that saved in your computer.

note: Use to show browsing history panel.

note: Use to import firefox setting (Bookmark, History, cookies and password, etc) from other browser.

note : Use to manage content colors.

note : Use to manage a proxy setting

note: Use to show all cookies that saved by mozilla in your computer.

note : Use to manage mozilla language.

note : This is my favorite function, this function is use to un/block a website.

note : Use to erase all browsing history (in a one session)

note : Use to open mozilla inside mozilla it self.

note : Use to minimize mozilla (unique content), to stop this action pres Ctrl()+W.

note : Use to open javascript console.

note : Use to manage extension/add-on

note : Use to open new window like file picker in linux.

Thats all folks, i hope tips (Secret Syntax to open Mozilla Firefox Hidden Function) above will makin' easy your internet activity.


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Adding Adium Fancy theme to you Empathy IM on Ubuntu

10:37 AM

Yes.. finally i write some article. In this 2nd week of August we will discus about how to add Adium fancy theme to your Empathy IM on Ubuntu. Adium is such Instant Messaging Client running on Mac Operating System, Adium IM has so many theme can be implemented which create by it's fan, and the exiting news is "all of that theme can be implemented in your Empathy IM". Before you start using any theme, better for you if you to search suitable theme in this forum. 
Empathy is Instant Messaging running on linux based operating system, Empathy IM has default folder place in /usr/share/adium/message-styles/ which adium themes should be placed. to start using your desire theme all you can do is :
  1. Download the theme
  2. Extract the file you have download.
  3. Copy *.AdiumMessageStyle/ into /usr/share/adium/message-styles/
  4. Open your empathy, and do to Edit > Preferences > Themes then chose you theme.
Here they are 6 finest empathy theme beside on my opinion :

Dark Chat
empathy theme
empathy theme 
iPhone Message Style

empathy theme
empathy theme
Grape's Glassy Style
empathy theme 
 eventually this is end of discuss, i hope will enjoy your chatting ..


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Cool and Creative Laptop Cases Design

8:09 AM

Laptop has become primary needs for me and majority people now day, we play some game in a laptop, working with laptop, almost i write this words in my laptop. Yesterday while i surfing in internet, unintentionally i found beautifull laptop bags and cases design you can make or buy, check this out ..

My Documents Laptop Sleeve | $29.99
It’s rare to have a laptop inside My Document.
my  document 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
Cassette Tape Tote Bag | $11.99
Isn’t exactly meant for laptop, but it would be cool to carry around.
Cassette Tape 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually  Buy
Juicy Couture ‘Strawberry Fields’ Laptop Sleeve | $N/A
For those who love Juicy Couture, this is a must have.
juicy  50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
Kailo Chic | $29.99
7 laptop sleeves to add flair to your business wardrobe.
kailo  50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
Inter-departmental Mail Italian Leather Laptop Sleeve | $80.00
Just don’t send it away like your usual mail.
Kena  Kai  50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
Velvetidole | €69.00 – €145.00
High quality leather calf laptop bags.
velvet 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
Fabrix Laptop Sleeves | $35.00 – $50.00
Our fav on the store is black angus, but there’s another 11 more. Available in different sizes.
fabrix 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
Red Maloo laptop Sleeve | $130.00
Utmost unique laptop sleeve. Comes in 4 different colors.
red  maloo 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
Built NY 15-inch Laptop Sleeve | $14.99
Felling retro, anyone?
Built NY 15 inch Laptop Sleeve 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You  Can Actually Buy
Casauri Laptop Brief | €49.90
Funky design laptop case. Fits up to a 15 incher.
Casauri 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
AppleSac The Original | $29.99
This stylish and functional sleeve is made from burlap and 100% polyester sherpa fleece. Click here to see more.
applesac 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
AppleSac Red Delicious | $29.99
The Red Delicious is lined with thick brown 100% polyester sherpa fleece that will soundly protect your MacBook.
red  delicious 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
Proporta Protective Laptop Sleeve | €19.95
The Protective Laptop Sleeve 13" provides essential protection against scratches and impact damage, whilst storing your laptop safely away when not in use.
Protective Laptop Sleeve 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can  Actually Buy
Reversible Anti-Shock Sleeve Case | $12.95
Reversible Purple and Black colored stylish laptop sleeve. Excellent for any occasion, whether you are at working, in school or traveling.
Reversible 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
Easy Laptop Sleeve | €59.00
Simple hard graft design at it’s core – premium asphalt dyed 100% wool felt perfectly harmonizes the cognac leather tab and the feature red/white ribbon.
easy  laptop sleeve  50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
2UNFOLD Multi-use Leather Laptop Bag | €349.00
This bag is something of a sartorial transformer, the 2UNFOLD offers eight different ways for you to sport it:
2UNFOLD 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
Foof Macbook Sleeves | $25
Foof has great range of beautiful laptop sleeves, and here are two we really like.
foofshop 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
ACME x Paul Smith Laptop Bag | $139.99
Laptop Sleeve Bag in Stripe print by Acme Made in collaboration with Paul Smith.
paulsmith 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
Onyx Houndstooth | $49.00
Customizable to fit your laptop size.
Onyx  Houndstooth 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
Denim Black Laptop Sleeve | $39.90
Inside each sleeve is a soft nylon loop that allows keyrings, carabineers and lanyards to be attached.
denim  50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
Sumo Camo Mini Laptop Sleeve | $17.99
Design to fit the 10 inchers.
sumo  50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
Bumper Laptop Sleeve | $29.99
Designed to take the hits for your laptop whether you’re traversing the urban jungle or doing battle on the road.
Bumper Laptop Sleeve 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can  Actually Buy
Cargo Laptop Sleeves | $40.00 – $50.00
Available in 3 different colors and sizes. It’s not only a laptop sleeve, it holds your other accessories like mouse, external HD and flash drives too.
cargo  50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
Belkin Quilted Carrying Case | $29.99
Come in blue, black and pink color.
Quilted Carrying Case 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can  Actually Buy
AirMail | $34.00
Perfect for Macbook Air.
airmail 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
Vyper M3 | $49.95
Vyper M3 is a compact and durable sleeve with a slick, rugged exterior and a non-scratch interior designed to protect your laptop against scratches and excessive wear.
vyper  50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
Robot Laptop Sleeve | $40.00
Made of high quality vinyl and padded with 1/2 fabric backed foam.
Robot Laptop Sleeve 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can  Actually Buy
9-5 Laptop Sleeve | $40.00
A laptop sleeve that you can bring with you to corporate America.
9 5  Laptop Sleeve 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
MacTruck | $249.95
Professional-grade, work-in enclosure – a whole new way to use and protect your notebook computer.
mactruck 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
Laptop Backpack | $80.00
The Laptop Backpack has your back—and will keep your computer safe and secure.
laptop backpack 50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually  Buy
InCase Slim Sleeve | $34.95
Incase offers range of laptop sleeves and other product in various of colors, and what we showed you here is just one color of a particular sleeve.
ncase  50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy
Posh Leopard | €24,99
With its golden inner lining this one is a symbol for the extraordinary and elegant.
posh  50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy


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Learn How Brute-force Work, Safe your system from destructive attack

6:37 PM

Brute-force password cracking is simply trying a password of A with the given salt, folowing by B to Z until every possible character combination is tried. It is very time consuming, but given enough time brute force cracking WILL get the password. Lerning how brute force work is very important part if you want to be/aready work in computer network and computer system field cause a failure authentication is a fatal tragedy.

In cryptography, a brute-force attack is a strategy used to break the encryption of data. It involves traversing the search space of possible keys until the correct key is found. The selection of an appropriate key length depends on the practical feasibility of performing a brute force attack. By obfuscating the data to be encoded, brute-force attacks are made less effective as it is more difficult to determine when one has succeeded in breaking the code. The resources required for a brute force attack scale exponentially with increasing key size, not linearly. As a result, doubling the key size for an algorithm does not simply double the required number of operations, but rather squares them. Although there are algorithms which use 56-bit symmetric keys, usually 128- to 256-bit keys are standard.

learning how Brute-force work is not just talk about how to use it's (the method) to attack some commrades mechines, but it's simply way to diffense our machines form destructive method like this.

What the symtoms you are being (brute-force) attack ?
this explanation is taking form this, Since 2005 there has been an immense increase in brute force SSH attacks and though Linux  is pretty secure by default, it does not stop evil programs from indefinitely trying to login with different passwords. Without proper protection your server is a sitting duck waiting for a bot to guess the right combination and hit the jackpot. But with just 2 commands we can stop that.

Jul 28 21:32:16 impala sshd[10855]: Illegal user office from
Jul 28 21:32:16 impala sshd[10855]: Failed password for illegal user office from port 53033 ssh2
Jul 28 21:32:16 impala sshd[10857]: Illegal user samba from
Jul 28 21:32:16 impala sshd[10857]: Failed password for illegal user samba from port 53712 ssh2
Jul 28 21:32:16 impala sshd[10859]: Illegal user tomcat from
Jul 28 21:32:16 impala sshd[10859]: Failed password for illegal user tomcat from port 54393 ssh2
Jul 28 21:32:16 impala sshd[10861]: Illegal user webadmin from
Jul 28 21:32:16 impala sshd[10861]: Failed password for illegal user webadmin from port 55099 ssh2

Tips that make you stay alert is, don't forget to check the logs (system/application logs) every time, from the symtom above we conclude that our mechines is being-brute force from the ip Notice explanation above, brute force method is trying to combine a possible character from A to Z to get the right password and when the combination is wrong our machines will give respond and write it the logs, and this is potential evidance to dig. Do you see the rate at which this is happening? Nowadays' connection speeds allow for crackers to try an enormous amount of combinations every second! It's time to stop this before someone hits the jackpot and my server is compromised.
How to deffense from brute-force attack ?
Talking about how to keep safe is not just about administrator responsibility, but all user who have an interest in the system is having responsibility to keep the system safe. There are several techniques that an admin might employ to force users to use better passwords, and several different packages that could be loaded and configured onto most Unix systems to better secure the passwords with out forgetting that password is must easy to remember, here they are several technique How to keep save from Brute-force attack :

As User
1. Make a best combination of Character, Alphabet, Number, then Lowercase and Uppercase. Ex : cR1styn4
2. Longer is good, make your password at least 6 character.
3. Change periodicaly your paassword.
4. Avoid using object name (name of parent, name of city, etc)

As administrator
1. Make several constraint that make user notice to their password.
2. Build a plated firewall.
3. Shadowed password. (i think you are if you are unix/linux user)
4. Having 3rd party application (IDS,Honeypot) is not bad.
5. Check the logs and doing action, block some potential attacker.


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Taking quick and precision screenshoot in Ubuntu with Compiz

11:24 PM

While yesterday we always talk about computer forensic and computer security, now we have out of topic from that. In this article i wanna share a simple tips from ubuntu 'how to get quick and precision screenshot in ubuntu', if i'm not mistaken this utulity start since ubuntu 8.10 (when ubuntu integrated with compiz/beryl), yes .. this utility is part of compiz/beryl extras application,let me give simpe explaination of this utility.

If you are a blogger, book writer, or people who often write article, book or maybe school assigment we usually need to attach the capture of worksheet or supporting image/file that support our statement, when screenshot become often and being important part of our computing activity, we need such utility that help us to do this job quickly and precision. i don't know how to call this application because i just see the words 'screenshot' in compizconfig setting manager to activated and configure this utility.

Before we start using this utility better if you install compiz/bery and compizconfig setting manager then activate them. (if you already have) go to your compizconfig setting manager then submenu 'extras' and 'screenshot' (compizconfig setting manager > extras > screensoot), through this worksheet you will configure this utility. In this article you don't need to do such a setting because we already have default setting from compiz/beryl that easy to use.

compizconfig setting manager
Previously we take screenshot by pressing keyboard + , mostly we have not so good result and sometimes we need to re-crop the image to get truly part of image we desire, we don't need to do such activity above anymore, now if you want to get a screenshot just press + select, drag, and drop (using mouse) part of image you want to capture then you will get the capture (in .png format) placed in desktop, using this way i'm guarantee you will have a precision result and easy to slice. Picture below is simple capture from my desktop using this utility.

This is simple tips from ubuntubuzz today, i hope it will simplify you work, best regard !


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