How to Draw an ER Diagram with DIA

9:04 AM

ER Diagram is an abstract and conceptual representation of data. Entity-relationship modeling is a database modeling method, used to produce a type of conceptual schema or semantic data model of a system, often a relational database, and its requirements in a top-down fashion. Diagrams created by this process are called entity-relationship diagrams, ER diagrams, or ERDs (wikipedia).  How to Draw ER Diagrams is quiet simple, when I was surfing on youtube I found this great tutorial, watch carefully video tutorial bellow "How to Draw an ER Diagram with DIA" .

Besides of  Drawing ER Diagram, you can do following action with DIA : 
  • Creating Flowchart Diagram.
  • An UML Diagram
  • Network Diagram
  • or Something like a Site plan.


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How to Read a QR Code In Ubuntu

10:03 PM

A ‘QR’ (short for Quick Response) code is a so-called ‘two-dimensional barcode’ made up from black squares on a white background. QR Codes are usually contains URLs, Text or something like ID of Product, the QR Code technology is widely use in Android and Blackberry mobile phone, if you are Blackberry or Android user i think you must be familliar with this. The image bellow is some example of QR Code.
The QR Codes
There are many resources which can help you to generate a QR Code, in Ubuntu you can use application called 'qrencode', the qrencode could help you to generate your own QR Code complete with what size do you like (Large, Medium, or Small), a manual how to use a qrencode can completely find in here. Anoher way, you can visit this website ( to generate your own QR Code.

This article will discuss how to read a QR Code in Ubuntu, to read a QR Code in ubuntu we need library (program) named libdecodeqr-simpletest - libdecodeqr library's simple test program, this  sample program can recognize the image file of the QR code of JIS X 0510 and ISO/IEC18004. Before we start, you should Install libdecodeqr-examples using apt-get or Synaptics Package Manager. 

  • apt-get install libdecodeqr-examples
libdecodeqr-simpletest is command based application program which is accessible through ubuntu terminal, all command and output of this application is displayed through the screen of terminal, use libdecodeqr-simpletest by using structure above :
  • libdecodeqr-simpletest <the path of QR Code image>
For more detail see the example bellow (you must have QR Codes to be testing if you don't have any please download here) :
  • libdecodeqr-simpletest /home/white/qrcode.png
the line command above is illustrated of 'reading the QR Code on the image of qrcode.png', the command above will give output on the terminal like this :
    root@ubuntubuzz:/home/white# libdecodeqr-simpletest /home/white/qrcode.png
    libdecodeqr version 0.9.3 ($Rev: 42 $)

    Hit any key to end.
The bold line above is 'exactly' the content of QR Codes inside of qrcode.png.


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Ubuntu 10.10 Skype Repository, Easy Install Skype via apt-get

9:49 PM

Who do not know a Skype, the software which usually help people to make a calls over the Internet using computer. Skype uses decentralized peer-to-peer technologies, so your calls do not go through a central server but through distributed servers and other users. It uses its own proprietary communication protocol to achieve this. How to install skype on Ubuntu 10.10 is quite simple, follow this guide bellow to install skype on Ubuntu 10.10.
  • First you need to add Ubuntu 10.10 skype repository to your Aptitude, add following line to your source.list (/etc/apt/source.list) then save.
deb stable non-free
  • For the second step, you need to install PGP key, paste and execute the command bellow to your terminal.
    sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 0xd66b746e
  • Third, update your aptitude package information.
    sudo aptitude update
  • for the last step, install skype using command 
apt-get install skype
If there is no problem when you follow the guide above, you have skype installed. To start using Skype go to Applications->Internet->Skype.


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Install Firefox 4 via apt-get or Synaptics Package Manager

10:21 PM

Firefox 4 (stable) has launched, this superb web browser come with the tagline "Made to Make the web a better Place" propose three major advantages that is Personalize, Go Fast, and Stay Safe. Especially for ubuntu user, you can install Firefox 4 by downloading the installation package here,  or you can install it using apt-get or synaptics package manager. If you have decide to install Firefox 4 via apt-get or synaptics you can following 3 step to install Firefox 4 via apt-get or Synaptic on ubuntu bellow.
  • First, before you start the installation, add the Firefox 4 Ubuntu PPA Repository to your /etc/apt/source.list. If you have dificulty to find that file, just copy and paste the command bellow to your terminal.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable
  • Second, update your package repository info by this command.
sudo apt-get update
  • For the last, install the Firefox 4 through apt-get using the command line bellow, or using Synaptics Package Manager by search key : "Firefox 4".
sudo apt-get install firefox ubufox
Firefox has always good, I never felt disappointed while using this web browser, to get more information and screenshoot about the new Mozilla Firefox 4 you can visit the official website here.


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How to hack pidgin, beware pidgin password storing vulnerability

5:10 PM

"Are you pidgin user ?", we have a tips for you ...
There is a security issue regarding passwords storing in pidgin, you should have to think back when using automatic login through "remember password" on this application. Why? Because pidgin will store your account password in plain text it's mean that pidgin save your password in clear text without any encryption. If you are using ubuntu or other distro the account settings stored in /home/<user>/.purple/accounts.xml. and for windows user the file will strored in C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\.purple\accounts.xml.
Pidgin save password screenshoot
If you enable remember password, you will find tags  <password> in that file (accounts.xml) then followed by your account password. And yes, "naked" just like that..
Pidgin password stored in accounts.xml
There's still vulnerabilities regarding passwords storing in pidgin, our suggestion is don't activate automatic login using "remember password" while using pidgin, cause you have been stripped..


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Ubuntu Professionals CAD Application: Create, Open, and View 'AutoCAD' *.dwg files on Ubuntu

7:31 AM

Draftsight is Professionals 2D CAD application which run in Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE) or other OpenSource software platform. As we know, we never had software (in Linux) which can Create, Open and View AutoCAD (*.dwg) before, but try this, this is an answer for engginering who appreciate of using OpenSource software or run all kind of Linux Operating system in their desktop. DraftSight professionals 2D CAD released beta version for linux lovers around the world as an alternative of AutoCAD. With this application we can also allows to create, open, and view  *.dwg files. that produced by Autodesk the software company.

Draftsight running on Ubuntu 
 Try DraftSight professionals 2D CAD for Ubuntu by download the package from link bellow :
  • Download Draftsight (66.8MB)
  • sudo apt-get install libdirectfb-extra libxcb-render-util0  
  • sudo dpkg -i DraftSight.deb 
Draftsight for 64-bit users : The beta version of DraftSight is provided in 32-bit Operating System. To get DraftSight run on 64-bit Operating System (Ubuntu and all kind of linux) you need to install following missing library:
  • sudo apt-get install libdirectfb-extra libxcb-render-util0 sudo apt-get install libdirectfb extra libxcb-render-util0
if you have installed all required libraries above, install the draftsight deb package through the terminal using 'force architecture' option, copy and paste the command above to install draftsight for 64-Bit Operating System  :
  • sudo dpkg --force-architecture –i DraftSight.deb
To get more option and screenshoot you can visit the draftsight official website.


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Green, Simple and Elegant Premium Wordpress Theme for Free

7:59 PM

Hi there, today we (ubuntubuzz) wanna share an excellent premium theme for your wordpress blog. This theme is specifically made by ubuntubuzz team which modified from default wordpress theme 'jenny'. This Green, Simple and Elegant Theme is suitable for your blog which usually using a clean and simple themes view, This themes named 'Green theme ' which is taken from our favorite color Green, here's the screenshot from the demo page.

Green wordpress themes
The Green Theme has a lot of option provided, you can customize and add some social information there, thus template properties provided :
  1. Customable Widget in the left and bottom of page.
  2. Dynamic featured image slider.
  3. Featured video dan popular post (*controlable by theme option on the admin page).
  4. Google adsense ready, you can embed adsense advertisment on the top and bottom of the post.
  5. Easy to Insert google analytics code.
  6. Social network and bookmarking sharing botton in the bottom of the post.
  7. etc
The picture above illustrated 'the Green Theme' theme option on the admin page, you can find easily this page at the time you finish the installation.
Green wordpress themes admin
Finally you can test by your self, give us feedback so that we can provide a better wordpress template another day.
Demo Page : Wordpress Green Theme
Download   :
Enjoy a free Premium Wordpress Theme by ubuntubuzz.


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5 Greatest Ubuntu Game Console Emulator, Another solution for Playing Popular Game at Ubuntu

6:21 PM

Perhaps many of Gamers wondered in their thought, "if  we migrate to ubuntu, can we play popular games like we used to play before ?",  for that question above I can answer clearly that Anything can do with Ubuntu Now days, this article will give another solution for playing popular Game at Ubuntu. The gamers used to play various game in different way, platform and operating system but in this article we just discuss how play a game console in ubuntu using application/system called emulator, a video game console emulator is a program that allows a computer or modern console (cross-console emulation) to emulate a different video game console's behavior. We have known that Ubuntu has a lot of video game emulator, in this article I just pick up top 5 Greatest Ubuntu Game Console Emulator you should know. 

PCSX  for Sony Playstation 1 (PS 1)
PCSX  is Ubuntu Game Console Emulator for Sony Playstation 1 (PS1). If you are Sony PlayStation 1 (PS1) game fans, but you do not have the console, this is a solution for Playing Sony Playstation 1 (PS1) at Ubuntu. How to install PCSX in ubuntu is quiet simple, type the command bellow in your terminal then you have PCSX installed in your mechines
sudo apt-get install pcsx
PCSX2 for Sony Playstation 2 (PS2)
PCSX2 is Ubuntu Game Console Emulator for Sony Playstation 2 (PS2), PCSX2 available in both Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. In its latest stable release, many PS2 games are playable, and several games have full functionality. The main bottleneck in PS2 emulation is emulating the multi-core PS2 on a PC x86 architecture. Although each CPU can be emulated well, accurately synchronizing the cores is very difficult. How to use and install PCSX2 in ubuntu is quiet simple, download the library here then running the PS2 game by using image. 

The visualboyadvance (VBA) for Game Boy Advance
VisualBoyAdvance (VBA) is an Ubuntu Game Console Emulator for Nintendo’s Game Boy, Color and Advance, handheld game consoles. VBA now has versions for Windows, Linux and Mac.
How to install visualboyadvance in ubuntu is quiet simple, type the command bellow in your terminal, then you will have visualboyadvance installed in your Ubuntu.
sudo apt-get install visualboyadvance
Desmume for Nintendo DS (NDS)
Desmume is Ubuntu Game Console Emulator for Nintendo DS (NDS), DeSmuME is a new Nintendo DS emulator by YopYop. Emulates pretty well Meteos's demo but there is a small problem with the mouse. It is called DeSmuME which we guess comes from merging DS EMU and ME. Emulator is progressing very fast and many commercial NDS roms can be booted on it (, Other Great Nintedo DS Emulator is nocash GBA, but we should have wine installed to run it, because GBA is not available in both Ubuntu and other Linux  distros.

Desmume Nintendo DS screenshot
How to run or install Desmume in ubuntu is quiet simple (just like before :P), download the library here or by typing command bellow, then you will get desmume installed in your Ubuntu.
sudo apt-get install desmume
The Guide bellow is show us how to install and run Desmume on Ubuntu Desktop, the video bellow is taken from youtube by this link.

How to install and Play Nintendo DS using Desmume on Ubuntu Desktop

ZSNES for Super Nintendo
ZSNES is a Super Nintendo emulator ZSNES project was GPL'ed and its source released to the public. It currently runs on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, and DOS. Remember that this is a public beta so don't expect this to run on your machine. How to install Zsnes in ubuntu is quiet simple an cheap, just type the command bellow in your terminal then you get znes installed in your ubuntu.
sudo apt-get install zsnes
Yes here the end of the article 5 Greatest Ubuntu Game Console Emulator, Another solution for Playing Popular Game at Ubuntu, hopefully this article would be useful for ubuntu gamers, happy holiday ....


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Another Solution for Linux Administrator, Ubuntu remote desktop sharing using Teamviewer VPN

6:32 PM

Sometimes an IT Administrator need to work anytime and averywhere to manage or control computer devices or servers that exist by remote desktop sharing. Especially if there are disturbances and the position we're not at the office, while the device is experiencing problems can only be accessed by the office's internal network only, it required a VPN (Virtual Private Network) so that we can get into the office's internal network via a network connection from anywhere, VPN is Another Solution for Linux Administrator.

VPN solutions are now widely available, either provided by your ISP or a software. In tis article i want to review ubuntu remote desktop sharing using by software called "TeamViewer", Teamviewer is work using VPN Connection and can be use cross platform or cross operating system. Teamviewer software is available for windows and linux, to install Teamviewer in ubuntu you can visit their official website and download it here: This software is free as long as not used for commercial purposes. TeamViewer also provides a paid version of the course with more features than the free version.

Teamviewer works by creating a pear-to-pear between 2 pieces of host or client, Install Teamviewer on the computer within the internal network that we want the remote, then other computer that will perform remote must have internet connection and off course Teamviewer ready. look following example to perform ubuntu remote desktop sharing using Teamviewer VPN.
I'm using Linux Ubuntu 10.10 and I am going to a remote target is a PC with Windows OS.
How to install Teamviewer in ubuntu is just type command above in the terminal:

$ Sudo-i teamviewer_linux.deb dkpg
Once completed in our live install just run from the menu in Ubuntu: Application - Internet - TeamViewer
Teamviewer screenshot
Each TeamViewer will have a unique fixed ID for every 1 computer. and will also generate a password each time you run the software. Well next, make the TeamViewer remote ID on your computer that will be remote. Live input only opponent ID and password then click "connect to a partner"
Teamviewer remote desktop sharing
In terms of security this software is somewhat vulnerable because of its simplicity to use. If we do not want to allow this software running on the internal network, maybe you can block the port and its domain from the side of the firewall. Yep .. That is Another Solution for Linux Administrator who want to perform remote desktop sharing using VPN, i hope this will help .. :D


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