Install TOra - ORACLE PL/SQL Toolkit for Ubuntu

6:45 PM

A few years ago i work on software house where in develop some application which use ORACLE as their main DBMS, although i prefer work in computer network field than database programmer, but it's never hurts to try. When i work (create some database connection) in  ubuntu, I had a little trouble and very often left with my friend, the problem is i am not accustomed to working with some database management application in ubuntu, so i leave ubuntu for a while and use Bentics. Some friend suggest me to use navicat but i don't know why it's not running smoothly.

A few days ago my friend told me an appliation called TOra, TOra is Oracle (PL/SQL) Toolkit that works on ubuuntu, TOra is 'relatively' close to Bentics and practically substitute of TOAD that runs on Windows OS.

TOra is an open-source multi-platform database management GUI that supports accessing most of the common database platforms in use, including Oracle, MySQL, and Postgres, as well as limited support for any target that can be accessed through Qt's ODBC support. TOra has been built for various Linux distributions, Mac OS X, MS Windows, and UNIX platforms.

Use TOra give much advantages for database administrators and developers, TOra includes several additional tools useful for database administrators and developers some features are PL/SQL debugger, SQL worksheet with syntax highlighting, DB browser and a comprehensive set of DBA tools.

Download TOra
(Oracle PL/SQL toolkits for Ubuntu)
TOra is Free OpenSource software, you can taste it free and download the package from it's official website here

Screenshoot of Tora
Install TOra via APT from Repository
There is a package in universe repository but there are no additional info id it's available with Oracle support. If you're using Ubuntu, TOra could be install trough APT or Synaptics Package Manager, you can install TOra via APT through this command : 

$ sudo apt-get build-dep tora 
$ sudo apt-get install libqt4-sql-mysql
Not be denied that use the correct application could improve our performance much better,  i hope this will help. Good Luck !!


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