Imagine you have a playlist on YouTube that contains hundreds of videos in it and you want to download them, what will you do? Do you really want to download them one by one? I think that's not a good idea. So, in this my first post, I'd like to show you how download all videos of YouTube playlist by simply type a few commands.
Applications used:
In order to getting this trick done, we have to install two applications called umph and youtube-dl. Umph is such an application that can parse YouTube feeds, it can parse playlists, favourite lists, and user upload lists. Youtube-dl is well-known command line tool for downloading YouTube videos by giving their video links.
Installing applications:
Fortunately, I've created a PPA contains those two applications. Simply type the following command to install them:
Usage instructions:
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tldm217/
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install umph youtube-dl
You can get playlist_ID from playlist URL, for example, we will download all videos in PHPAcademy 200 JQuery Tutorials, see the picture below for more details.
- umph playlist_ID | youtube-dl -l -a -
Take a look at part marked with red box, you will get the weird phrase "PL46408891B63317A4". By removing the "PL" characters, now you have the playlist ID: 46408891B63317A4. You're ready to go:
By default, umph will parse 25 videos. So, by executing the above command you will download the first video until 25th video. If you want to download all videos (200 videos) you must add an argumen "-m 200".
- umph 46408891B63317A4 | youtube-dl -l -a -
The tricky part is in umph command line arguments, please take look at this documentation for further information.
- umph -m 200 46408891B63317A4 | youtube-dl -l -a -
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