Let's have a brief review:
Cinnamon is a fork of GNOME Shell developed by Linux Mint Team that brings innovative features of GNOME Shell and simple layout of GNOME 2.Recently, I have written about how to install Cinnamon on Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot. If you are using Fedora or openSUSE you might be interested in install Cinnamon on your system. Does it work? Of course, Yes!. Today, I'd like to share my blog walking experience at WebUpd8 on how to install Cinnamon on Fedora and openSUSE.
Install Cinnamon on Fedora:
Simply add a repository created by Fedora user to your system and then install Cinnamon. You can do those steps by typing the following command:
- su -
- curl http://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/leigh123linux/cinnamon/fedora-cinnamon.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-cinnamon.repo
- yum install cinnamon
Once installed, please logout, select Cinnamon on "Session" and then login back.
Install Cinnamon on openSUSE:
First thing first, download Cinnamon from here. Once downloaded double click on it to add Cinnamon and some GNOME Shell extensions repository on your system.
If you want GNOME Shell extension get activated on your system, please fire up dconf-editor and navigate to "org > cinnamon > enabled extensions"and add the extensions you want to enable, e.g.:
- ['system-monitor@paradoxxx.zero.gmail.com', 'apps-menu@gnome-shell-extensions.gnome.org', 'dock@gnome-shell-extensions.gnome.org', 'drive-menu@gnome-shell-extensions.gnome.org', 'places-menu@gnome-shell-extensions.gnome.org', 'windowsNavigator@gnome-shell-extensions.gnome.org', 'xrandr-indicator@gnome-shell-extensions.gnome.org']
via: WebUpd8
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